The Monday Prompt, #4

Color My World

Pick a color that appeals to you from the color wheel, or a box of crayons, or the Pantone color web site.
Set a timer or stopwatch for one minute and brainstorm all the words and images that the color suggests to you. For example: blue = ocean, sky, blue note, having the blues, etc.

Next, pick a color that is the opposite of your original color. Set the timer again, and brainstorm all the words and images that come to you with that color. For example, yellow = sunshine, daffodils, banana, mellow yellow, etc.

Finally, set your timer for 10 minutes and write a short prose piece or poem that incorporates at least 3 words or images from each color prompt. If 10 minutes isn’t enough, keep going!

About Kathryn

Kathryn Kulpa is a winner of the Vella Chapbook Contest for her flash fiction collection Girls on Film (Paper Nautilus). She is also the author of a short story collection, Pleasant Drugs (Mid-List Press) and a microfiction chapbook, Who's the Skirt? (Origami Poems Project). As a two-legged being, she is in the minority in her household.

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