Flash Fiction Boot Camp

Do you sometimes need a push to get writing? I do, especially in this time of quarantine, when normal life structures have been lifted. I find it helpful to have deadlines, prompts, and someone to hold me accountable.

That’s why I often sign up for writing workshops, flashathons, silent writing sessions, and other creative classes–to challenge myself. Just immersing myself in a world of writing, where other people are creating new work, is energizing and motivating.

I also find inspiration from leading writing workshops, and I’m teaching several this summer.

Right now, I’m teaching a flash fiction workshop for Cleaver magazine. A second session will start on June 20. This four-week class has weekly readings and writing assignments.

I’m also teaching a one-week intensive flash workshop for Truro Center for the Arts, June 15-19. This class will meet for three two-hour Zoom sessions in which we’ll generate and share new work, along with reading and discussion. Sign up here!

And coming later in the summer? A revision workshop.

Sometimes we all need a little push.

Feet dangling over river


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