New Year, New Stories

3Elements Literary Review

My story “Throbbing, Like Gristle” was published in the Winter 2019 issue of 3Elements Literary Review. Each issue asks writers to create a story or poem based on three elements. This issue’s elements were gristle, bolt, and kitchen table. It’s always fun to see what these seemingly unconnected prompt words can inspire! (You’ll need to download the issue as a free PDF to read the story.)


I’m happy to have a new story in the beautifully designed online journal Pidgeonholes. This story was inspired by a vintage postcard, and it’s part of a new series of postcard stories I’m working on. I’ve always been fascinated by old postcards, and I love using them in writing classes, as some of my students can attest.

Click the postcard to read the story!

Comic Postcard, 1910

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